Thursday, 16 September 2010

Mostly Good News

Remember my lovely nephew and his pre-university woes? I'm delighted to report that he started at university last Sunday, had made friends by Monday, and was generally well settled in by Tuesday. He's busy and happy and generally loving the whole experience. Hurrah!

I've been writing and editing: not my novel, or short stories for my group (naughty me), but other stuff, some perhaps for publication, some for competitions. And I've been enjoying it enormously.

Life has been rather busy, what with one thing and another, and pleasant for me, but not all that interesting for you to read about, I suspect. MOT fail leading to a new car, quick trip to London leading to a possible new client, OU assignments leading to a new course... yes, quite a bit of new stuff, but not new new as such; each a new version of something I'm familiar with. So, nice, but not particularly exciting.

I decided I would blog again next time I had something thought-provoking or entertaining to say, or simply something I want to get off my chest. But the days rolled by and it hasn't happened. So I thought I'd just pop in and say hi.


How are you?

(and don't get me started on the Pope, OK?)


Juniper said...

Great news about your nephew! :-)

That sounds like an expensive MOT...

What OU course are you doing? I'm just starting my 2nd year, Psychology.


Alice Turing said...

Aw go on, tell us what you think about the pope! I bet it would be entertaining.

Sue Guiney said...

When do we start telling Pop jokes -- or have we already started? This is me waving back to you :-)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

I'm thrilled your nephew is settling in so well and has such a great start at university.

I'm trying to catch up on all manner of writerly things, so that's what I'll be doing over the next few weeks.

Sherri said...

I'm fine, thank you, though I have nothing interesting or thought provoking to say. Sorry.

HelenMWalters said...

Hi. I have eyes propped up with matchsticks at the moment.. so not much coherent thought going on.

Kath McGurl said...

Hi! Good news about your nephew. So then, about the pope...

Jen said...

I can reliably inform you that Night Nurse during the day is marvelous and far cheaper than gin. That's how I am, since you ask. Aaaaa-CHOO!

Debi said...

Oh bless you, Spiral (as the Pope would say).

Jen said...

Shhhh, Debi, don't mention the Pope!

Carol said...

Head feels like it's full of cotton wool (jet lag....i had totally forgotten just how horrible it is!) so am not making any sense today! Holiday was fab and I will be blogging about it soon

C x

Anonymous said...

Good to know your nephew has got to start University. Hurrah!